Friday, 18 July 2008

Army Presentation...

On Thursday, 17th July, 2008, I was delighted to have been formally invited by Brigadier J.E.Richardson MBE (Late R Signals) and Commander 49 (East) Brigade, to attend a Reception and Briefing by the Army Presentation Team at Welbeck, The Defence Sixth Form College in Loughborough.
Accompanied by Maurice and Carol Collett, we were given a presentation and update on the recent changes within the Army.
The Army takes it's responsibilities as a public service seriously and the Presentation Team seek to promote awareness and understanding of how the Regular and Territorial Army operate and how it interacts with other sections of society.
The evening started with a drinks reception and continued with the main presentation. This was followed by an opportunity to ask questions in an open forum to the Team and a number of local Army representatives from our local area.
The evening concluded with a finger buffet and an opportunity to chat to any of the military personnel present.
The evening was attended by many influential leaders in the local community and was thoroughly enjoyable and informative too!
The men and women of our Armed Services deserve our whole-hearted support no matter what is asked of them.
Cllr. Cathy Duffy

Sunday, 13 July 2008

Maurice Completes 100 Mile Bike Ride

Congratulations to Maurice Collett who completed his 100 mile sponsored cycle ride from his home in Charnwood to Skegness yesterday (Sunday 6th July). He was joined by Matt at Melton and Nigel at Grantham, the 3 intrepid BNP lads battling their way through driving rain to reach Skegness in just under five and a half hours.

Waiting to greet them at the clock tower were at least 60 activists from all over the East Midlands, cheering them in and waving flags sporting the slogan:"VOTE BNP". They were joined by many local people and holiday-makers, who also took leaflets, and bought papers and flags for their children.

For, beside the sponsored cycle ride, our activists held a paper sale in the centre of the town, as well as leafletting Skegness. A very impressive Day of Action, with 3 different activities, so many involved and lots of money raised towards the Euro fundraising effort.

Afterwards, everyone retired for a well-earned drink and reflections on a job well done.

To which we add "Well done" and thank you to everyone who took part. You can all feel very proud that you contributed to this exciting day. Thanks also go to the sponsors, who have done a grand job of gathering pledges, and to the visitors and residents of Skegness who so readily welcomed the BNP to their historic seaside town.