IT takes more than a bit of
snow to deter intrepid BNP
councillor Cathy Duffy from
going about her council duties.
The representative for East Goscote
ward on Charnwood Council was out
and about in the bitterly cold weather
to deliver leaflets advising her constituents
of her forthcoming surgery dates. Husband
Maurice, is very much part of her campaign
team and he was on hand to help deliver the
leaflets and take the photographs.
While doing the rounds, Cathy was
stopped by a gentleman (above, right)
who had just been made redundant
and he had a number of questions about
what the BNP 's policies were to get
people back into work.
"He went away reasonably happy with
what I told him and I said I would get a
BNP information pack sent to him. Over
the last few months people that you meet
are becoming more and more interested
in politics. I think that they are beginning
to realise that it's time to make their voice
heard," she told me.