Sunday, 31 January 2010

A good Days work in Birstall

The morning start was 9 30 and we were to meet at the services, "Another great turn out by local activists"Kevan Stafford was heard to say.
We picked up our candidate leaflets and set off on our routes.
Many people today were out and about and lots of positive response from the public. It was noted that the local conservatives had Failed to deliver in Birstall and at a cost of nearly £8000 pounds.(Just think of all the good that could be done with that.)
We met for dinner at the local services as we thought it only right to support local trade.
There was a couple of people today who wanted to know why the election was called a year early so I explained the Conservative councillor had abandoned his seat a year early and thus costing the local tax payers about £8000 pounds for an election. Then there would be yet another election costing the same again next year . They were disgusted and we were told of there pending support at the polling booth. We finished early today putting out just short of 3000 leaflets. so well done all involved .
Cllr Peter Cheeseman

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

BNP Cares for World War II Hero in East Midlands

Snowbound George, an ex Royal Naval war hero, was set to celebrate his 90th birthday with nothing more than a half empty tub of margarine in his freezer, reports East Midlands British National Party press officer John Ryde.

“However, George is a member of the British National Party and was called by the BNP call centre, as they are doing for all of our elderly members, to see if he was alright during the present winter weather,” Mr Ryde said.

“When they heard of his plight, the call centre immediately contacted East Midlands regional organiser Geoff Dickens who set the wheels in motion to bring food and company to George.

“Activist Peter Cheeseman found out what was needed on the shopping list and collected it from a nearby supermarket and took it round for George — and included a few luxuries.

“George asked how much he had to pay, but Pete said ‘Happy Birthday, this is on me, from one member to another.’

“The British National Party is more than a political party and it practises what it preaches. We have to thank all those caring people within the party who are making this an event right across snowbound Britain,” Mr Ryde said.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Dedication by local activists

British National Party activists from Leicester braved the snow on a cold Saturday morning to meet at the local services. They braved the local foot paths and drive ways in Birstall and combined put out over 2000 leaflets. Arriving later the truth truck toured Birstall and Charnwood where it was warmly received by the local residents. Local organiser Kevan Stafford commented that with the dedication that the party and members have makes us stand apart from the other parties.

Friday, 1 January 2010

Happy New Year

The Charnwood branch of the British National Party would like to wish all our Members, Supporters, and readers, a very happy New Year! 2010 will bring many exciting opportunities for the BNP.